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A type based dependency injection framework for Python 3.9+.

Injected module-attribute #

Injected = typing.Annotated[_T, InjectedTypes.TYPE]

Type alias used to declare a keyword argument as requiring an injected type.

If a union (e.g. typing.Union[A, B], A | B, typing.Optional[A]) is passed then each type in the union will be tried separately rather than the literal type, allowing for resolving A | B to the value set by set_type_dependency(B, ...).

If a union has None as one of its types (including Optional[T]) then None will be passed for the parameter if none of the types could be resolved using the linked client.


This is a typing.Annotated alias and the behaviour for nested Annotated types may be found at the docs for it typing.Annotated.

AllukaError #

Bases: Exception

Base class for the custom errors raised by Alluka.

AsyncSelfInjecting #

Bases: AsyncSelfInjecting[_CallbackSigT]

Class used to link a sync function to a client to make it self-injecting.


async def callback(database: Database = alluka.inject(type=Database)) -> None:
    await database.do_something()

client = alluka.Client()
injecting_callback = alluka.AsyncSelfInjecting(callback, client)
await injecting_callback()

Alternatively may be used:

client = alluka.Client()

async def callback(database: Database = alluka.inject(type=Database)) -> None:

__init__ #

__init__(client, callback)

Initialise a self injecting callback.


  • client (Client) –

    The injection client to use to resolve dependencies.

  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    The callback to make self-injecting.

    This may be sync or async.


  • ValueError

    If callback has any injected arguments which can only be passed positionally.

BasicContext #

Bases: Context

Basic implementation of

__init__ #


Initialise a basic injection context.


  • client (Client) –

    The injection client this context is bound to.

Client #

Bases: Client

Standard implementation of a dependency injection client.

This is used to track type dependencies and execute callbacks.

__init__ #

__init__(*, introspect_annotations=True)

Initialise an injector client.

InjectedDescriptor #

Bases: Generic[_T]

Descriptor used to a declare keyword-argument as requiring an injected dependency.

This is the type returned by alluka.inject.

callback instance-attribute #

callback = callback

The callback to use to resolve the parameter's value.

If this is None then this is a type dependency.

type instance-attribute #

type = type

The type to use to resolve the parameter's value.

If both this and callback are None, then this is a type dependency and the type will be inferred from the parameter's annotation.

__init__ #

__init__(*, callback=None, type=None)

Initialise an injection default descriptor.


If neither type or callback is provided, an injected type will be inferred from the argument's annotation.


  • callback (Optional[CallbackSig[_T]], default: None ) –

    The callback to use to resolve the dependency.

    If this callback has no type dependencies then this will still work without an injection context but this can be overridden using

  • type (Optional[_TypeT[_T]], default: None ) –

    The type of the dependency to resolve.

    If a union (e.g. typing.Union[A, B], A | B, typing.Optional[A]) is passed for type then each type in the union will be tried separately after the litarl union type is tried, allowing for resolving A | B to the value set by set_type_dependency(B, ...).

    If a union has None as one of its types (including Optional[T]) then None will be passed for the parameter if none of the types could be resolved using the linked client.


  • ValueError

    If both callback and type are provided.

MissingDependencyError #

Bases: AllukaError

Error raised when a dependency couldn't be found.

dependency_type instance-attribute #

dependency_type = dependency_type

Type of the missing dependency.

message instance-attribute #

message = message

The error's message.

__init__ #

__init__(message, dependency_type)

Initialise a missing dependency error.


  • message (str) –

    The error message.

SelfInjecting #

Bases: SelfInjecting[_SyncCallbackT]

Class used to link a sync function to a client to make it self-injecting.


This executes the callback synchronously and therefore will error if any of the callback's dependencies are async.


async def callback(database: Database = alluka.inject(type=Database)) -> None:
    await database.do_something()

client = alluka.Client()
injecting_callback = alluka.SelfInjecting(callback, client)
await injecting_callback()

Alternatively may be used:

client = alluka.Client()

async def callback(database: Database = alluka.inject(type=Database)) -> None:

__init__ #

__init__(client, callback)

Initialise a sync self injecting callback.


  • client (Client) –

    The injection client to use to resolve dependencies.

  • callback (Callable) –

    The callback to make self-injecting.


  • ValueError

    If callback has any injected arguments which can only be passed positionally.

SyncOnlyError #

Bases: AllukaError

Error raised when trying to execute async DI in a sync context.

inject #

inject(*, callback=None, type=None)

Declare a keyword-argument as requiring an injected dependency.

This may be assigned to an argument's default value to declare injection or as a part of its Annotated metadata.


If neither type nor callback is provided, an injected type will be inferred from the argument's annotation.


async def callback(
    # Here we require an implementation of the type `Component` to be
    # injected.
    injected_type: Component = alluka.inject(type=Component)
    # Here we inject an out-of-scope callback which itself is taking
    # advantage of type injectioallukan.
    callback_result: ResultT = alluka.inject(callback=injected_callback)
) -> None:
    raise NotImplementedError

# where client is an `alluka.Client` instance.
result = await client.call_with_async_di(callback)


  • callback (Optional[CallbackSig[_T]], default: None ) –

    The callback to use to resolve the dependency.

    If this callback has no type dependencies then this will still work without an injection context but this can be overridden using

  • type (Any, default: None ) –

    The type of the dependency to resolve.

    If a union (e.g. typing.Union[A, B], A | B, typing.Optional[A]) is passed for type then each type in the union will be tried separately rather than the literal type, allowing for resolving A | B to the value set by set_type_dependency(B, ...).

    If a union has None as one of its types (including Optional[T]) then None will be passed for the parameter if none of the types could be resolved using the linked client.


  • ValueError

    If both type and callback are provided.